
The digital age : implications of automation, digitisation and platforms for work and employment / Eurofound ; author, Irene Mandl .-- Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, December 2021 .-- 34 p. : gráf. ; 1 documento PDF .-- (Challenges and prospects in the EU).

Bibliografía: p. 25-26

Technological change is accelerating as the capacity of electronic devices to digitally store, process and communicate information expands. Digitalisation is transforming the EU economy and labour markets: nearly one-third of EU workplaces are categorised as highly digitalised. What are the implications of the digital revolution for employment and work? And how might it affect social dialogue? Eurofound has produced a body of work to explore these questions. The work is structured around three vectors of change in digitalisation – automation, digitisation and platforms – that are affecting employment and working conditions and social dialogue. The main results of this research have been compiled in the online resource The digital age: Automation, digitisation and platforms. This report draws from that resource to provide a digest of the findings and policy pointers.

Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Eurofound

978-92-897-2214-8 (Print) 978-92-897-2213-1 (PDF)

10.2806/145825 doi (print) 10.2806/288 doi (PDF)


tecnologías digitales
plataformas de trabajo

Mandl, Irene