Agresti, Giancarlo

Smart regulation : the gateway to frontier innovation / [Giancarlo Agresti, Isabel Cafforio, Rohit Sethi] ; Arthur D. Little .-- Arthur D. Little, February 2022 .-- 16 p. graf. ; 1 documento PDF

The information and communications technologies (ICT) regulators have three challenges:

1) Keeping up with the breakneck pace of change that creates new use cases each day.
2) Protecting promising players while leveling the playing field for newcomers.
3) Supporting new technologies while curbing lax policies that can lead to ethical breaches.
While frontier technologies are key enablers for innovation and technological progress, the ability to develop and leverage such technologies varies greatly across countries. The key readiness differentiators include ICT deployment, overall skills and capabilities, R&D activities, industry activity, and access to finance.

Tecnologías habilitadoras digitales

Tecnología de la información y las comunicación
tecnologías de vanguardia
nuevas tecnologías
progreso tecnológico

Cafforio, Elisabetta
Sethi, Rohit

Arthur D. Little