European Union Agency for Network and Information Security

Exploring the opportunities and limitations of current Threat Intelligence Platforms PUBLIC : VERSION 1.0 : DECEMBER 2017 European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) .-- European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) 2017 .-- 42 pág. gráf., tablas 1 documento PDF

the main objective of this report is to understand the limitations of threat information sharing and the analysis tools that are currently in use. Moreover, the second objective is to provide the relevant recommendations so that these limitations can be addressed and overcome. To achieve this, the report presents an overview of the users of these platforms, the main functional areas of TIPs as well as the current landscape of the TIPs used by different teams globally (CTI teams, SOCs, CSIRTs/CERTs, ISACs, etc.).


DOI: 10.2824/10543 .

Ciberseguridad y confianza

intelligence plataforms
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