Comisión Europea. Dirección General de Investigación e Innovación

She Figures handbook 2018 European Commission. Directorate General for Research and Innovation .-- Luxembourg Publications Office of th European Union 2019 .-- 211 p.

The She Figures Handbook (2018) provides methodological guidance on the calculation of indicators included in the She Figures 2018 publication, the sixth iteration of the European Commission’s She Figures publication since the release of its seminal version in 2003. Organised by data source, information provided on each indicator includes a brief definition, rationale, computation method and any comments or critical issues for the reader to note. The handbook also includes a section on the verification and validation of data that outlines coherence checks and additional data considerations to be taken into consideration in the computation and interpretation of indicators. Finally, the annexes outline important information regarding international classification standards (e.g. ISCED, ISCO) to which data for several of the indicators are tied, as well as key terminology and definitions. The release of the 2018 version of the handbook beyond the groups directly involved in the production of the She Figures publication is intended to strengthen the capacity of other stakeholders to systematically produce meaningful, systematic data on gender in research and innovation



10.2777/410763 doi

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EU research policy
gender equality
participation of women
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