Opinion on assessing the impact of digital transformation of health services Assessing the impact of digital transformation of health services report of the Expert Panel on effective ways of investing in Health (EXPH) [er] : .-- Luxemburgo : Oficina de Publicaciones, 2019. .-- 104 p. : tab., il. col.. .-- (Expert panel on effective ways of investing in health (EXPH)).

Bibliografía: p. 95-100.

The EXPH adopted this Opinion at the 12th plenary on 20 November 2018 after public hearing on 13 November 2018. The impact of digitalisation of health services has been profound and is expected to be even more profound in the future. Like for other services, it is important to evaluate the impact of such digital health services. Decisions to adopt, use or reimburse new digital health services, at different levels of the health care system, are ideally based on evidence regarding their performance in the light of health system goals. In order to evaluate this, a broad perspective should be taken. Attainment of the broad health system goals, including quality, accessibility, efficiency and equity, are objectives against which to judge new digital health services. These goals are unaltered by the process of digitalisation. Evaluations should be designed and tailored in such a way as to capture all relevant changes in an adequate manner. We do not provide a full evaluation framework in this Opinion, but we do reflect on important elements. Monitoring can also complement evaluations by observing general trends in how health systems evolve, also as a consequence of digitalisation.

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10.2875/644722 . doi

Sanidad digital

Transformación digital
impacto de la informática.
método de evaluación.
organización sanitaria.
sanidad electrónica.
servicio sanitario.
sistema sanitario.
tecnología digital.

Comisión Europea. Dirección General de Salud y Seguridad Alimentaria
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