
Exploring STEM competences for the 21st century .-- Geneva : IBE, 2019 .-- 53 p. tablas .-- (Current andCritical Issuesin Curriculum,LearningandAssessment30).

Bibiografía p. 48-53

STEM education seeks to developand provide innovative solutions to global issues, in particularthose directly related to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. As Industrial Revolution 4.0 gains momentum and influences every aspect of our everyday lives, the boundaries between STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) and also between STEM and non-STEM fields,are becoming more and more blurred. Quantum-leapsintechnology are forcing us to rethink the way we educate students in STEM and non-STEM fieldsalike. The time has comefor the education sector to rethink traditional curriculum boundaries,where knowledge and skills are segregated according to subjects. The IBE has led discussionsto identify and make explicit thecompetencesthat transcend knowledge areas with a view to assisting member states to develop competency-based curricula that prepare young people with the required competences to live sustainable, fulfilled and healthy livesin therapidly changing world of the21stcentury.

Educación digital

Ciencia y tecnología

Soo Boon NG

Current andCritical Issuesin Curriculum,LearningandAssessment30
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