Innovation, productivity and sustainability in food and agriculture : main findings from country reviews and policy lessons .-- París : OECD Publishing. 2019 .-- 182 p. : gráf. ; 1 documento PDF .-- (OECD Food and Agricultural Reviews).

Referencias bibliográficas

This report summarizes the main findings and recommendations of twelve policy reviews affecting innovation, agricultural productivity and sustainability in OECD and G20 countries with supplementary information from three country reviews and related work carried out since 2011. It establishes that the Agricultural policy should focus on measures that facilitate the adoption of technologies and practices that use resources more efficiently and sustainably, and that contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This will require public funding for food and agricultural research, strengthening private efforts, including through public-private partnerships. Finally, improving overall policy coherence would help build trust and increase policy effectiveness at every step of the food and agriculture chain.

9789264833913 (PDF) 9789264342064 (EPUB) 9789264422421 (HTML)

Economía digital

policy environment
natural resource
climate change
agriculture policy

Organización de Cooperación y Desarrollo Económico

OECD Food and Agricultural Reviews
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