Aramco, Saudi

HR4.0 : Shaping People Strategies in the Fourth Industrial Revolution : White paper / in collaboration with Saudi Aramco, Unilever and Willis Towers Watson .-- Geneva : World Economic Forum, 2019 .-- 37 p. : gráf. ; 1 documento PDF

Bibliografía: p. 36

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is blurring the lines between people and technology. The impact of those changes on the way people work and businesses produce value spans all industries, economies, and societies and redefines the future of work. HR 4.0, a framework for shaping people's strategies in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is an initial response to the changing role of organizations in the context of this challenge. It explores why the Fourth Industrial Revolution creates the impetus for transformation in people strategies and HR practices; outlines what business leaders—including Chief People Officers, Chief Human Resource Officers, CEOs, and other C-suite leaders—can do to respond; and describes how organizations are already responding to the need for change, with examples of emerging roles, technologies and critical skills for the future of HR.

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Tecnologías habilitadoras digitales

Fourth Industrial Revolution

World Economic Forum
Willis Towers Watson (Firm)
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