Comisión Europea. Dirección General de Redes de Comunicación, Contenido y Tecnologías

Survey of Schools: ICT in Education : Final Study Report - February 2013 : benchmarking access, use and attitudes to technology in Europe’s Schools / This study was carried out for the European Commission by European Schoolnet, University of Liege Psychology and Education .-- Luxembourg Publications Office the European Union 2019 .-- 159 p. graf. 1 fichero .pdf

This study collected and benchmarked information from 31 European countries (EU27, HR, ICE, NO and TR) on the access, use, competence and attitudes of students and teachers regarding ICT in schools. ICT provision and use in European schools is improving but several obstacles remain. First, teachers still believe that insufficient ICT equipment is the biggest obstacle to ICT use in many countries. Second, whilst teachers are using ICT for preparing classes, ICT use in the classroom for learning is infrequent. Teacher training in ICT is rarely compulsory and most teachers devote spare time to private study. Third, students and teachers have the highest use of ICT and ICT learning-based activities when schools combine policies on ICT integration in teaching and learning. However, most schools don't have such an overarching policy. Therefore it is not surprising that teachers generally believe that there is a need for radical change to take place for ICT to be fully exploited in teaching and learning


doi:10.2759/94499 .

Educación digital

Comparative education
digital cameras
Education policy
educational technology
ICT in schools
Interactive whiteboards
mobile phones
Teaching method

European Schoolnet
Université de Liège
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