Women in the Workplace : 2019 .-- [S.l.] : Lean In ; McKinsey & Company, 2019 .-- 62 p.: il., gráf. ; 1 documento PDF

After five years of the Women in the Workplace study—and a growing body of research from others in the field on how to ffectively support diversity and inclusion—companies have what they need to succeed. They know what the best practices are. They realize where the trouble spot is in the talent pipeline. And they understand how vital equal opportunity and fairness are to employees.
This is a critical moment. We can treat diversity like the business imperative it is, or we can treat it as an optional initiative. We can build on the progress we’ve made, or we can lose momentum. We are optimistic. This year we’ve seen more bright spots than ever before. We know companies are committed. And the organizations that are doubling down on their diversity efforts are making real progress. We hope companies take this year’s report as a roadmap for change—and a call to action.


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talent pipeline

McKinsey & Company
Lean In
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