Enhancing learning through digital tools and practices : how digital technology in compulsory education can help promote inclusion : final report / Maria Melstveit Roseme, Laurie Day, Tom Fellows, Francois Staring and Letizia
Vicentini (Ecorys Europe), with Janet Looney (EIESP) ; Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture .-- Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, October 2021 .-- 267 p. : gráf. ; 1 documento PDF

This EU comparative educational study aimed to assess the actual and potential role of digital technologies in promoting access, quality and equity in compulsory school education across Europe, and their role in complementing and enhancing traditional forms of teaching and learning. The findings are based on a mixed methods design, combining EU and country level desk research and interviews, with a Virtual Policy Delphi to consult on the interim findings with a wide range of key stakeholders across Europe. It also included a set of 8 country case studies and 32 examples of promising practice measures, which were selected using a sampling framework.

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; Unión Europea


10.2766/365846 . doi

Educación digital

tecnología digital
alfabetización digital
educación a distancia
recursos educativos abiertos

Melstveit Roseme, Maria

Comisión Europea. Dirección General de Educación, Juventud, Deporte y Cultura
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